Found 15 results tagged with 'vege'

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Winter vege

Winter vege

Details   At this time of year the garden looks unfortunately grim, with little growing. It was an exciting surprise to discover this beauty.
Date   August 09, 2012
Tags     winter  vege  purple  broccoli 
Zucchini Seeds

Zucchini Seeds

Colour   Pale green
Common name   courgette
Botanical name   Botanical name
Details   A vigorous vining plant producing large numbers of dumpy fruit. Harvest regularly while small for a constant supply.
Frost sensitive  
Tags     annual  edible  fruit  tender  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Globe Artichoke

Globe Artichoke

Botanical name   Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus
Details   The globe artichoke is a variety of a species of large thistle cultivated as a food. The edible matter is buds that form within the flower heads before the flowers come into bloom.
Tags     perennial  shrub  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Summer produce

Summer produce

Details   Fresh chilli and capsicum from the plastic house
Date   April 08, 2015
Tags     Capsicum  Vegetable 
Forest garden bounty

Forest garden bounty

Details   A nice assortment of root veges foraged from the forest garden while weeding. Includes parsnip, carrot, radish and potato. These make a great roast.
Date   July 17, 2017
Tags     food  veges  forest garden  july 
Perennial multiplying leeks

Perennial multiplying leeks

Common name   Perennial leeks, Multiplier leeks, Perpetual leeks
Details   This is one of my favourite vegetables to grow as it is easy care, quick to multiply and can be used raw or cooked in many meals. If you want a perennial spring onion / leek then this is the one to grow and is productive for much of the year

Forming clumps over time, this onion / allium can be harvested and divided at any time, sitting ready and waiting in even poor, weedy soil. Rapidly bulk up your patch by dividing regularly and not eating too many at the beginning.
Soil type   Most
Tags     vegetable  perennial 
Holy radish!

Holy radish!

An impressive specimen of the common radish. This plant just got out of control. Because it got to be such a large plant I decided to hang onto it for seed. May the next generation be equally extreme.
February 16, 2011
  radish  vege  seed 
Painted Mountain Corn Seed

Painted Mountain Corn Seed

Common name   Maize
Botanical name   Zea mays
Details   A dry corn rather than a sweetcorn, featuring brightly coloured cobs bred for hardiness, earliness and high nutrition flour. Height around 1.5m. Early maturing 90 days from sowing.
Frost sensitive  
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Tags     annual  edible  tender  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Assorted capsicum seed

Assorted capsicum seed

Common name   Pepper
Botanical name   Capsicum
Details   A random selection of sweet to mild peppers. We find these plants will last for several seasons in the glasshouse but die off in winter outside in North Canterbury.
Frost sensitive  
Propagate     November   September   October  
Tags     annual  edible  perennial  tender  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Perennial multiplying leek plants

Perennial multiplying leek plants

Common name   Perennial leeks, Multiplier leeks, Perpetual leeks
Details   Easy to grow leek or spring onion substitute that will, once well established and managed, supply a constant supply of fresh leeks. Plants develop new baby leeks around the base. Just pull out the largest, central leek to eat and leave the rest to develop or replant space out the young ones if required.
Tags     vegetable  perennial 
Price   $9.90  20 baby leeks
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Vegetable Dinner

Vegetable Dinner

Fresh vegetables from the garden are quickly and easily converted to a tasty meal.
Part 1 - Mashed potato, beetroot, onion and basil
Part 2 - Steamed beetroot and silverbeet leaves and beans
Part 3 - Salad of carrot, peas, radish, pepper and feta
February 23, 2010
Perennial Brassica from the forest garden

Perennial Brassica from the forest garden

Details   Having freed ourselves of the expectation of eating vegetables that resemble the unnatural size and uniformity of those found in the supermarket we have reduced our efforts and disappointments in the garden. Perennial brassica are one way that we produce more food with less work. Foraged fresh from the surrounding landscape, these baby broccoli heads (flowers) are tasty and tender.
Date   September 03, 2019
Tags     2019  September  Perennial  Vegetable 


Details   We are finally starting to get some cucumbers out of the tunnel house. Things have been growing like crazy in there, to the point where access is almost impossible.
However, having only one opening prevents airflow making the temperature too high and reducing bees, required for pollination. As a result, yields have been low.
Modifications are in order....
Date   March 05, 2011
Tags     cucumber  vegetable  tunnel house