Found 18 results tagged with 'food'

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Food forest concept discovery

Food forest concept discovery

In early 2011, after discovering the food forest concept, we launched into action and began the process of converting the barren chook paddock into an edible, multi layered botanical paradise.
Not much to see at this point, seen looking south back towards the house.
January 03, 2011
Converting an existing orchard to food forest

Converting an existing orchard to food forest

When we took over the property it came with an orchard consisting of plums, almonds, cherry, apricot, apples, peaches, nashi and pears. The trees are of varying ages and were planted more or less randomly across what was once an open paddock. Slowly I have been contouring, inter-planting, removing grass, mulching and generally intensifying the productivity of the area.
September 01, 2013
Forest garden bounty

Forest garden bounty

Details   A nice assortment of root veges foraged from the forest garden while weeding. Includes parsnip, carrot, radish and potato. These make a great roast.
Date   July 17, 2017
Tags     food  veges  forest garden  july 
Clavulina rugosa - edible fungi

Clavulina rugosa - edible fungi

Details   After several attempts to inoculate and produce edible mushrooms I decided I might be better off educating myself on the local edible varieties that grow themselves. On several occasions we have found and eaten large field mushrooms but these are less common as the land rapidly returns to forest.

One species that I felt comfortable identifying due to lack of poisonous lookalikes is Clavulina rugosa, commonly known as the wrinkled coral fungus. Knowing that it occurs in symbiosis with conifer roots I went looking and was surprised to find some growing less than 100m from the house. Now that I know what I'm looking for I have found them in other locations.
Date   August 05, 2021
Tags     fungi  food 
Setting of expectations

Setting of expectations

The expectations we have about what we should be eating and when determines what options are open to us in terms of where and how we obtain our sustenance. By adjusting our requirements and evaluations of what makes something desirable food we open up new sources and types of fruit and vegetables. This is a prerequisite of low input forest gardening.
November 22, 2015

Learn about foodscaping / food forest gardening

Develop an understanding of how to design and implement your own food forest garden with a one on one guided tour and discussion session.
  • Explore the extensive, established forest garden at blockhill
  • Learn identify, develop and exploit niches to grow a wider range of useful plants
  • Discuss mixed and companion planted polycultures and guilds
  • Understand plant succession for ecosystem transition and transformation
  • Witness beneficial insects and extreme biodiversity
  • Meet the chooks, ducks and pigs and see how they fit into the system
  • Overview of useful hand tools
2 hours
Pigs in the young food forest

Pigs in the young food forest

Our 3 pigs sleep in a long concrete shed, the north side of which is 4 garden beds enclosed in plastic through which the chickens are rotated.

During the day the animals are free to roam up to 1 hectare of emerging food forest which is broken into 8 sections (paddocks) of various sizes.

Many of our pig fences are constructed from short log posts driven into the ground and joined by a horizontal run of old corrugated iron since. An obvious choice since there were stacks of it here. Wire fences will not contain a pig, they can force their way under and through.

We find that by providing plenty of space and regulating their access to different areas means they get plenty of variety, don't over graze and start rooting up the ground or interfering with young trees (much). Limit the number of pigs you have!

During drought and where pasture is poor the pigs will seek out green leaves of pip and stone fruit, willow and possibly some others. Surprisingly they don't interfere with tagasaste.

Unsurprisingly they love fruit. So any young, small trees can be snapped or damaged and branches in reach can be broken, trunks gnawed on in their efforts to reach or dislodge fruit. The best option is to remove all fruit on young trees and remove low branches until the plant is sturdy and above pig height.
September 19, 2016
  pigs  food forest 
Freshly created swale

Freshly created swale

Details   It's never too late to add another swale, it's just a matter of squeezing it in amongst the existing plantings, fences and other obstacles.
The swales not only do a fantastic job of capturing and infiltrating surface runoff during rainy times but also break up the land in interesting and attractive ways.
Date   December 03, 2014
Tags     Swale  Food forest  Water 
Vegetable Dinner

Vegetable Dinner

Fresh vegetables from the garden are quickly and easily converted to a tasty meal.
Part 1 - Mashed potato, beetroot, onion and basil
Part 2 - Steamed beetroot and silverbeet leaves and beans
Part 3 - Salad of carrot, peas, radish, pepper and feta
February 23, 2010
3 years old food forest

3 years old food forest

Details   This photos shows a young area of planting where pigs and chickens roam free. Largest trees are tagasaste, alder and almond at around 3m. An assortment of fruit trees about 2-3 meters including peach, apricot, apple, cherry. Some black currants and an assortment of flowers and herbs. Additional wind protection and nitrogen fixation from acacia (tasmanian black wood) and cape broom.
Date   November 27, 2014
Tags     food forest 
Spring in the 'forest'

Spring in the 'forest'

Spring is here again and this almond is putting on a show. Planted just 3 years ago, this is the second year it has produced a crop. Looking forward to it. Also in the photo is Dmitry the muscovy.
August 27, 2013
Production has started

Production has started

It's high summer in 2012 and we have had a pretty good crop of nectarines from the 2 grafted trees and I was surprised to see a couple of almonds on the seedling tree. It is only 3 years old!
The food forest area looks completely different now with all the sweet broom (nitrogen fixing small shrubs) and the primary swale feeding nutrient rich water down to the fruit and nut trees.
December 07, 2012