Found 10 results tagged with 'annual'

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Foxglove Seeds

Foxglove Seeds

Botanical name   Digitalis purpurea
Details   Foxglove, scientifically known as Digitalis, is a striking and charming biennial or perennial flowering plant renowned for its tall spires of tubular, bell-shaped flowers. These flowers come in a range of colors, including purple, pink, white, and occasionally yellow, adding a touch of elegance to gardens and natural landscapes.

Notably, foxglove is a favorite among gardeners and pollinators alike.

The plant is characterized by its rich green, lance-shaped leaves and can reach heights of 2 to 5 feet (60-150 cm). However, its exquisite beauty conceals its toxic nature, as all parts of the foxglove plant contain compounds known as cardiac glycosides, which can be highly toxic if ingested. While its toxic properties make it unsuitable for consumption, foxglove has been historically used in traditional medicine for its potential cardiovascular effects, though its use in modern medicine is carefully controlled and regulated.

Whether for its aesthetic appeal in gardens or its historical significance in medicine, the foxglove plant remains a captivating and enigmatic botanical specimen.
Tags     annual  flowers  pink 
Price   $3.90  100 seeds
Family   Plantaginaceae
Hollyhock Seeds

Hollyhock Seeds

Flowers   Pink / dark red
Botanical name   Alcea rosea
Details   Easily grown in most soils and climate with plants reaching up to 2 meters tall. Large bright flowers over an extended period, loved by bees. Produces masses of big seeds.
Tags     annual  flowers  pink  red 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Phacelia seed

Phacelia seed

Common name   Blue tansy or purple tansy
Botanical name   Phacelia
Details   Quick and easy to grow, this fantastic bee plant can get up to a meter tall, covered in purple flowers. As it produces a large amount of plant matter it is also useful as green manure or mulch. Produces plenty of seed for next season.
Tags     annual  purple  bees  seed 
Price   $3.90  100 seeds
Zucchini Seeds

Zucchini Seeds

Colour   Pale green
Common name   courgette
Botanical name   Botanical name
Details   A vigorous vining plant producing large numbers of dumpy fruit. Harvest regularly while small for a constant supply.
Frost sensitive  
Tags     annual  edible  fruit  tender  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Botanical name   Helianthus annuus
Details   This easy to grow plant will produce a single large yellow flower 1 to 2 meters above the ground.
  • Plant climbing beans amongst the sunflowers when they are a meter high, the beans will climb the stem
  • The seeds ripen in April and can be fed directly to chickens or left for birds
  • Can get blown over by strong wind
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Tags     annual  edible  flowers  tender  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Colour   Yellow
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Painted Mountain Corn Seed

Painted Mountain Corn Seed

Common name   Maize
Botanical name   Zea mays
Details   A dry corn rather than a sweetcorn, featuring brightly coloured cobs bred for hardiness, earliness and high nutrition flour. Height around 1.5m. Early maturing 90 days from sowing.
Frost sensitive  
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Tags     annual  edible  tender  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Teasel Seeds

Teasel Seeds

Botanical name   Dipsacus fullonum
Details   Fast growing tall short lived perennial flowering plant that needs no care or attention. The distinctive seed heads are popular in floral arrangements. Values include: wind break, shade plant, water holding plant, soil improvement / stabilisation, biomass production, insect habitat, food source for birds, ornamental
Drought tolerance  
Tags     annual 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Assorted capsicum seed

Assorted capsicum seed

Common name   Pepper
Botanical name   Capsicum
Details   A random selection of sweet to mild peppers. We find these plants will last for several seasons in the glasshouse but die off in winter outside in North Canterbury.
Frost sensitive  
Propagate     November   September   October  
Tags     annual  edible  perennial  tender  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Snapdragon seeds

Snapdragon seeds

Common name   African daisies, daisybushes
Botanical name   Antirrhinum
Details   Antirrhinum is a genus of plants commonly known as dragon flowers, snapdragons and dog flower because of the flowers' fancied resemblance to the face of a dragon that opens and closes its mouth when laterally squeezed. They are native to rocky areas of Europe, the United States, Canada, and North Africa.
Tags     annual  flowers  red 
Price   $3.90  50 seeds
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Alexanders Seeds

Alexanders Seeds

Common name   alisanders, horse parsley, smyrnium
Botanical name   Smyrnium olusatrum
Details   With a taste live celery or parsley, this easy care plant can be eaten raw or cooked. I have grown this plant with good results in areas infested with twitch / cooch grass. The plants self seed and grow again the following season, replacing the grass.
Tags     annual  edible 
Price   $1.90  20 seeds