Who and what is blockhill

Blockhill is the eco-living arrangement and rural lifestyle of Olmec and Melisa Sinclair. Together, with assorted animals and birds, they grow a forest garden using natural approaches and permaculture principals.

Our Objectives

We are driven and inspired to inhabit and manage the landscape in a way that builds, improves, strengthens and sustains.

Know your objectives before planning and acting.

Ecosystem restoration and increased biodiversity

Genetic repository

Peaceful and aesthetic setting

Resilience, nourishment and health

Demonstrate and inspire


Donate and help us grow!

Want to help support the forest garden? If you can't visit in person you can make a financial contribution. This will help with sourcing new plants, purchase and repair of tools and equipment and the many other costs associated with the project.



Having grown up on a small organic farm in North Canterbury, I have a lifelong connection to land, gardening and ecological awareness.

In 2005, seeking adventure, I left my Wellington life and software engineering job behind and went backpacking through Australia and into South-East Asia. For 8 months I worked and travelled, gaining a new perspective, first hand, on other ways to live, different value systems and the nature of our expectations. Poor, remote villagers always seemed so happy in their simple lives and displayed an evident commitment to family, community and place.

Over the next 4 years I began looking into the consequences of human settlement and our impact on our surroundings as a result of our attempts to globalise a techno-industrial capitalist system. What I discovered alarmed me and galvanised my direction to begin preparing my life for the future I saw coming.

In 2009, My wife and I transitioned from city dwelling office workers to rural, self employed lifestyle entrepreneurs.
Since then I have been researching and implementing more sustainable ways of inhabiting the land and extracting a yield.
I still work with computers to solve problems and have taken that way of thinking about multiple, interacting, complex systems and applied it to everyday life. When I'm not running about in bare feet, I'm in front of the computer building websites. (Someone's got to pay the bills)

Gradually I am developing my understanding of natural systems and how they can support human needs while organising the assorted solutions to share with the rest of my species. I see this as the great work of our time, to reinvent ourselves and our culture for the better.


I am most content when I am surrounded by animals and nature. I've learned a lot about self reliance and resilience since my Blockhill journey began in 2009. I've acquired skills in food preservation, gardening, knitting, sewing and animal care. I love spending time with my Kune Kune pigs, muscovy ducks, silkie chickens, and my cat Chappie. Olmec and I continue to learn something new every day as we navigate our way through this unique and enriching life.

I've written and illustrated 4 children's picture books and they are all available for purchase here on our website.

I also have an interest in health and well being from a natural and alternative approach, and have a good understanding of plants and their various health benefits. Having had some health issues in recent years, I've explored many alternative options to mainstream medicine. I can advise on my own personal approach to healing from endometriosis and ovarian cysts (endometrioma) through a combination of gluten-free diet, plant based vegan diet, herbal supplementation, visualisation and meditation. It took time and some hard work but I believe my lifestyle changes made a significant difference and helped me avoid another surgery.

Please feel free to contact me if you have similar health concerns and you would like further information about my approach.
Charles (Chapie) Chaplin

Charles (Chapie) Chaplin

A stray who decided to stay. I mean who wouldn't want to live in luxury at blockhill...?
Arriving at blockhill

Arriving at blockhill

You have arrived at blockhill, 966 Leader Road East.

If the gate is shut please contact us before entering, unless you have an appointment. Otherwise you may wish to explore the website and learn more about our forest garden.