Growing cold sensitive plants by developing and exploiting micro-climates

First off, what is a micro-climate? Basically it is a site where the climatic conditions are more favourable due to improved solar energy capture and storage, cold air drainage, protection from strong winds etc. These sites allow for the cultivation of plants that would otherwise struggle to be productive or even survive.

In my location, through carefully matching plants with available sites I (so far) have been able to grow exotics such as citrus, kiwifruit, avocado, ginger, passionfruit and other sub or semi tropical plants.

Somewhat counter-intuitively, sites that get early morning sun and thus warm up early and quickly are not ideal. Frozen plant tissue that thaws to rapidlyis more likely to be damaged.

Existing sites

There are several approaches to micro-climate exploitation. The first but sometimes overlooked option is to identify existing sites that offer the kinds of benefits you are seeking. Some of the more obvious include:

  • North and north-west faces of buildings, embankments or other structures that provide shelter and thermal mass
  • Under the canopy of evergreen trees
  • On upper slopes that provide cold air drainage
  • Near sufficiently large bodies of water
  • Near or on top of decomposing organic matter

One of the best way to identify micro-climates is to observe various locations on frosty mornings and during the late afternoon. You should be looking for spots that receive plenty of sun at the end of the day to heat (charge) them up and which do not have heavy frost on them at dawn. This means getting up and exploring your land in the cold, sorry.

Creating new sites

Micro-climates can also be created. Here the most obvious, popular yet costly approach is to construct a glass or plastic covered framework within which to grow your desired plants. While these glass houses and tunnel houses offer excellent climate they can be expensive to construct and susceptible to high winds.

Another technique, as identified above, is to grow new micro-climates through careful selection and placement of evergreen trees. While this approach takes longer than constructing a glass house, it costs considerably less and is extremely resilient in the face of strong winds or heavy snow. I have utilised this technique is a number of sites using single or several tagasaste trees. This species is a small evergreen nitrogen fixing tree that is extremely fast growing and doubles as a source of mulch material, with frequent pruning of the outer branches.

There is an additional benefit from from using trees as a 'blanket' to protect cold sensitive plants. As cold wind passes the shelter tree the physical resistance causes friction, slowing the air and preventing mixing. This allows warm pockets to form.


As cold air is denser it sinks and slides off the land to accumulate in valley bottoms and in hollows to for 'frost pockets'. Small gains can be achieved by building mounds and planting on top, above the frost. Further improvements can be gained by combining significant quantities of organic matter into the mounds so that heat is given off during the decomposition process.

The addition of thermal mass to absorb solar energy energy and slowly release it when the surrounding air temperature falls is another easy approach and can often have other benefits. One of my favourite examples is growing kiwifruit vines on a large black plastic water tank. 25,000 litres of water weighs 25 tonnes and, in our climate, that would never freeze. Other options include piles of boulders, brick buildings, concrete walls etc.

Tips and tricks for growing cold sensitive plants in areas that get frost

Tips and tricks for growing cold sensitive plants in areas that get frost

Details   We get a number of frosts each winter but generally not lower than -5 Celsius. This poses a challenge for growing certain plants, but with the right techniques, some clever designing and careful placement of sensitive plants it's amazing what's possible.
Tags     frost  climate  sub-tropical 




Details   Somehow we are able to grow oranges out doors without cover. There is good wind protection in place and I have been mulching and fertilising regularly with seaweed and pig manure. The tree looks a lot better and the fruit has improved dramatically as a result.
Frost sensitive  
Fruit / berries  
Height (m)   1
Tags     orange  citrus 


Growing Sweet Oranges in a Temperate Climate

Growing Sweet Oranges in a Temperate Climate

1. When to Harvest for Sweet Oranges

  • Harvest Season: In temperate climates like North Canterbury, oranges ripen between late winter and early spring (July to October).
  • Colour: The peel should be a rich orange, although some may still have a bit of green.
  • Taste Test: Pick an orange and taste it. Sweet oranges will be heavier for their size and have a pleasant, sweet taste.
  • Texture: The fruit should feel firm but slightly soft when squeezed gently.

2. Growing Sweet Oranges in a Temperate Climate

  • Sun Exposure: Ensure your orange tree receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

  • Sheltered Position: Protect from strong winds and frost.

  • Soil: Plant in well-drained soil with a pH of around 6-7. Use compost or well-rotted manure to improve the soil.

  • Watering: Water deeply and consistently, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.

    • Use organic mulch (around 10 cm thick) around the base of the tree to retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.
  • Fertilizing: Apply a citrus fertilizer twice a year—once in early spring and again in late summer. Avoid excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers.

  • Cold Protection: Use frost covers or plant trees in containers that can be moved to protected areas. For trees in the ground, provide frost cloths when temperatures drop below 0°C.

3. Should You Leave Oranges on the Tree for an Extra Season or Year?

  • No: Leaving fruit on the tree for an extra year will result in overripe, potentially dry fruit and can deplete the tree's energy for new fruit development. It may also attract pests and increase the risk of disease.

By keeping the focus on the right harvest time and caring for your tree with optimal sunlight, water, and nutrients, you’ll ensure the best quality sweet oranges in your climate!



Details   This vigorous climbing vine is doing well, growing on deer fence netting wrapped around big black plastic water tank. Male and female are plated north-east and north-west face of the tank.
Common name   Kiwifruit, Chinese Gooseberry
Botanical name   Actinidia deliciosa
Family   Actinidiaceae
Fruit / berries  
Frost sensitive  
Date   September 01, 2012
Shade / Sun   Full sun


Common name   Babaco, Mountain Papaya, Champagne Fruit
Botanical name   Carica x heilbornii
Details   Produces large, yellow fruit pentagonal in cross-section - Self fertile.
Easily propagated from stem cuttings.
Variety   Pentagona
Diameter   1.00
Height (m)   2
Flowers   Small white
Frost sensitive  
Fruit / berries  
Shade / Sun   Full sun - part shade
Soil type   Rich, free draining
Wind tolerance   Low (large leaves)
Tags     exotic  sub-tropical  fruit 


Babaco cutting

Babaco cutting

Common name   Mountain papaya
Botanical name   Vasconcellea × heilbornii or Carica pentagona

Stem cuttings from mature plants growing under cover in North Canterbury.

Propagate and grow your own babaco plants quick and easy with stem cuttings. Simply place the cutting 1 third into the soil (right way up) and keep damp in a sunny, sheltered, warm location. Roots will form around the bottom cut surface.

Plants are self fertile, so only one plant is required to set fruit.

High success rate and should produce fruit in 12 – 18 months.

Wind tolerance   poor due to big leaves
Flowers   white
Frost sensitive  
Fruit / berries  
Tags     subtropical  fruit  cuttings  propagation 
Price   $3.90  15cm stem cutting
Price for 4 or more   $3.50  15cm stem cutting if you buy 4 or more
Watch Learn More Only 3 in stock   Order


Details   A well designed, large greenhouse is great way to grow plants that otherwise would have a limited season or not be possible to grow at all. Here we are growing (from left to right) tomatoes, purple passion fruit, thai ginger (galangal) and babaco (mountain pawpaw)
Date   December 23, 2014
Vietnamese coriander

Vietnamese coriander

Details   Leaves are used in Southeast Asian cooking. A perennial plant that grows best in tropical and subtropical zones in warm and damp conditions. In advantageous conditions, it can grow up to 15–30 cm
Common name   Vietnamese coriander, Vietnamese mint, Vietnamese cilantro, Cambodian mint
Botanical name   Persicaria odorata
Family   Polygonaceae
Height (m)   0.3
Diameter   1.00
Frost sensitive  
Soil type   Moist


Growing Sweet Oranges in a Temperate Climate

Growing Sweet Oranges in a Temperate Climate

1. When to Harvest for Sweet Oranges

  • Harvest Season: In temperate climates like North Canterbury, oranges ripen between late winter and early spring (July to October).
  • Colour: The peel should be a rich orange, although some may still have a bit of green.
  • Taste Test: Pick an orange and taste it. Sweet oranges will be heavier for their size and have a pleasant, sweet taste.
  • Texture: The fruit should feel firm but slightly soft when squeezed gently.

2. Growing Sweet Oranges in a Temperate Climate

  • Sun Exposure: Ensure your orange tree receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

  • Sheltered Position: Protect from strong winds and frost.

  • Soil: Plant in well-drained soil with a pH of around 6-7. Use compost or well-rotted manure to improve the soil.

  • Watering: Water deeply and consistently, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.

    • Use organic mulch (around 10 cm thick) around the base of the tree to retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.
  • Fertilizing: Apply a citrus fertilizer twice a year—once in early spring and again in late summer. Avoid excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers.

  • Cold Protection: Use frost covers or plant trees in containers that can be moved to protected areas. For trees in the ground, provide frost cloths when temperatures drop below 0°C.

3. Should You Leave Oranges on the Tree for an Extra Season or Year?

  • No: Leaving fruit on the tree for an extra year will result in overripe, potentially dry fruit and can deplete the tree's energy for new fruit development. It may also attract pests and increase the risk of disease.

By keeping the focus on the right harvest time and caring for your tree with optimal sunlight, water, and nutrients, you’ll ensure the best quality sweet oranges in your climate!

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frost  climate  sub-tropical