Found 2 results tagged with 'quail'

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Today the baby quails have hatched and the big clucky chook has become a mother! There are six babies altogether. There were 7 this morning, but that's a sad and rather funny story.....basically the little quail was sitting up in the nest box and was chirping away. It then got excited and jumped giddily out of the nest box, bounced off the ramp, landed on the floor and was promptly picked up in the beak of hungry chook who thought it was a scrap of food. We tried to rescue it, but it was too tiny to survive such a trama. But at least it got to have a near flight experience in it's short little life.
December 05, 2009
  chooks  chickens  quail 


While cutting wood the other day I uncovered a nest containing 14 quail eggs. These birds are common round here and apparently make good eating so I transfered the eggs under a clucky hen in the hopes she will hatch them out.
November 29, 2009
  quail  birds  eggs  incubate