Found 10 results tagged with 'pear'

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Pear - Red Bartlett scion / bud wood

Pear - Red Bartlett scion / bud wood

Details   Pyrus communis 'Red Bartlett' produces pears with bright-red skin when fully ripe. The fruit is very aromatic and has a melting flesh with good flavour. It ripens in mid to late summer and is an all-purpose pear that can be used for eating fresh, preserving, baking, and poaching.

Pollinators in the North Island are 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Winter Nelis', while in the South Island, the pollinators are 'Doyenne du Comice' and 'Conference'.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
Harvest     February  
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Pear - Louise Bonne of Jersey scion / bud wood

Pear - Louise Bonne of Jersey scion / bud wood

Details   Smaller pears with thin skin and soft flesh. Red blush on the skin.Louise Bonne of Jersey is not self-fertile and needs a pollination partner of a different variety nearby. Pollination partners - Packham's Triumph, Conference
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
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Autumn bounty - pears

Autumn bounty - pears

Details   Ripe pears are simply wonderful and one of the easiest fruit for us to grow.
Date   March 02, 2013
Tags     pears 
Pear - Beurre Hardy scion / bud wood

Pear - Beurre Hardy scion / bud wood

Botanical name   Pyrus
Rootstock   Quince (dwarfing), Pear
Details   Medium to large, yellow with cinnamon russet. Smooth, melting, buttery and very juicy. Rich aromatic flavour. Vigorous, healthy tree, quite hardy. Regular heavy crops in a warm location.

Beurre Hardy is in flowering group 4 and is not self-fertile so needs a pollination partner of a different variety nearby. Pollinate with Clapp's Favorite, Conference, Nashi Hosui, Williams' bon chrétien

One of the few pear cultivars compatible with quince rootstock and therefore suitable for creating dwarf pear trees.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
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Pear - Ya scion / bud wood

Pear - Ya scion / bud wood

Botanical name   Pyrus bretschneideri
Rootstock   Pear, Quince with interstock
Variety   Chinese white pear
Details   This Asian pear originated in China but is now grown in various regions around the world.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
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Pear - Taylors Gold scion / bud wood

Pear - Taylors Gold scion / bud wood


A medium-sized Comice pear with a russeted, golden-cinnamon skin. It has tender, ivory-cream flesh that offers a sensational, juicy, and aromatic flavor. This pear is perfect for desserts and ideal for bottling.

While partially self-fertile, it yields the best fruit set when cross-pollinated with Beurre Bosc, Winter Nelis, and Nashi pears.

Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
Harvest     April   May  
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Quince root stock for grafting dwarf pear and loquat

Quince root stock for grafting dwarf pear and loquat

Botanical name   Cydonia oblonga
Details   Quinces are used as a root stock for producing dwarf pears, loquat and other quinces.

Root stocks can be created from root suckers, stool bed or seeds from overripe fruit planted in late autumn.
Flowers   White
Fruit / berries  
Tags     graft  dwarf  fruit tree  pear 
  • The primary benefits are smaller trees that fruit sooner
  • Many cultivars of pear are not directly compatible with quince and require double grafting with a compatible interstock
  • Pears grafted on quince have shorter lifespan than on seedling grown root stocks
  • Quince trees are prone to suckering, sending up growth from around the base of the tree and near damaged roots. These can be used as rootstocks.
Pear - Williams Bon Chretien scion / bud wood

Pear - Williams Bon Chretien scion / bud wood

Details   The Williams Bon Chretien pear, also known as the Williams pear or Bartlett pear in North America, is a popular and well-known variety of pear. Large long necked, green-yellow fruit, that is ideal for eating and bottling. Early season, fruit will naturally fall in February and will keep up to 3 months. Good pollinator.

Pollinators include - Beurre Bosc, Doyenne du Comice, Taylors Gold, Winter Cole, Winter Nelis, Nashi Hosui and Nashi Nijiseiki.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
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Pear - Conference scion / bud wood

Pear - Conference scion / bud wood

Details   A long necked pear, one of the most popular varieties, known for its sweet and juicy flavour, making it a favourite among many fruit enthusiasts.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
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Pear - Doyenne du Comice scion / bud wood

Pear - Doyenne du Comice scion / bud wood

Details   Large classic variety of dessert pear, bearing delicious pears in mid-to late autumn. Green skin flushed red with white, melting juicy flesh of rich flavour. Tastes like sweetened cinnamon. Mid to late season. Upright and vigorous habit. High chilling hours needed to set fruit.As most pears need cross pollination, the planting of more than one variety is recommended or the growing of a double grafted tree. Pollinators include - Beurre Bosc, Williams bon Cretien, Winter Cole, Winter Nelis, Nashi Hosui and Nashi Nijiseiki.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     pear  scion 
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