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Sea Buckthorn / Sea Berry seeds

Sea Buckthorn / Sea Berry seeds

Botanical name   Hippophae rhamnoides
Details   A hardy, nitrogen-fixing shrub that thrives in poor soils and harsh climates, making it perfect for erosion control, wildlife habitat, and sustainable gardening. Its silvery foliage and bright orange berries add visual appeal while offering a powerhouse of nutrients, including vitamins C, A, and E, as well as antioxidants and omega fatty acids.
Ideal for forest gardens and agroforestry, it improves soil fertility and attracts pollinators.

Please note: sea buckthorn is dioecious, so you'll need both male and female plants for fruit production.
Drought tolerance  
Fruit / berries  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     perennial  tree  berry  health 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds
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Chaste Tree seeds

Chaste Tree seeds

Common name   vitex, chaste tree, chasteberry, Abraham's balm, lilac chastetree, monk's pepper
Botanical name   Vitex angus castus
Drought tolerance  
Tags     perennial  shrub  health 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds
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