Found 11 results tagged with 'art'

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I am Cat

I am Cat

I am CAT is narrated by a shamelessly proud feline who is happy to be unique from other animals. The story touches on concepts of self esteem and uses humour to reveal some of the ways in which Cat prefers being himself above all else. With it's simple rhyming text and soft colourful illustrations, the story will appeal to preschool and primary school aged children. The larger size (28cm x 21cm) with the larger font also makes it a great book for early readers.
  • Paperback
  • 32 pages
  • Colour illustrations
  • Spine: perfect sewnbound
  • Width: 280mm
  • Height: 210mm
Click the 'view photos' button to see sample images of the story.
  book  children  art  gibson  cat 
Visualising yearly rainfall distribution

Visualising yearly rainfall distribution

This chart shows annual rainfall by month for the years 1990 - 2014 (and partial 2015). While there is a definite tenancy for rain to occur in June and July there is also obvious bumps in October, March and April. Wider areas of colour represent times of high rainfall while narrow regions are dryer.
It becomes clear that rainfall can occur at any time throughout the year and that dry years follow periods high rainfall. With this in mind it makes a lot of sense to be approaching water catchment and management with a multi year view of charging up soil moisture during wet times to carry us through periods of below average rainfall.

Data obtained from NIWA Ferniherst dataset
September 20, 2015
  weather  rain  climate  chart 
Star tetrahedron rising in Kaikoura

Star tetrahedron rising in Kaikoura

Details   Constructed from recycled 10mm steel rod as a gift for my mother-in-law.
Date   December 04, 2017
Tags     art  sculpture  kaikoura  tetrahedron  2017 


An evening of social merriment and music.
We made our way to an interesting party out at port robenson where people dressed medieval and enjoyed a robust meal, drinks, flaming fires and music.
It made me think of something from Alice in Wonderland, a kind of mad hatters tea party as the monk played the trombone, costumes and hats swirled in dance surrounded by Ashley's bizarre décor.
July 24, 2011
Solstice Gathering

Solstice Gathering

In an attempt to break up the gloomy monotony of the long dark winter months we organised a family get together.
Lots of food, good company and the obligatory bonfire.

The burned circular area has subsequently been dug and mulched in preparation for planting in spring.
July 03, 2010
The way of the swale

The way of the swale

A swale is a permaculture technique designed to improve water catchment and retention on slopes. Applicable to varying scales, a swale is basically a ditch or terrace created along a contour line with the removed soil piled on the downhill side. As rainwater drains down the slope above is is caught and absorbed by the swale. Plantings made along the swale will have access to additional moisture for extended period.

My first attempt at a small swale follows the contour line on a northwest facing slope below an existing track. Because of the small size I was able to dig this by hand over 2 periods, using an A-frame level. Over the course of the next few months we will be scattering the kitchen scraps along the length for the chooks to work over, adding their manure and nutrients from the kitchen. Finally it will be planted up in a variety of different plants from ground covers, bulbs and shrubs to fruit and firewood trees.
June 12, 2011

Inverted spiral

Details   Combining the popular parmaculture herb spiral concept and the desire to squeeze the maximum amount of edge into a given space, this excavated spiral will serve as an in ground water catchment feature and plant based sun trap with additional aspects such as shaped earth seating and potential fire 'pit'
Date   May 24, 2015
Tags     earthworks  spiral  construction  water 

Star tetrahedron

Details   Constructed from two interlocking Tetrahedron to form the star tetrahedron (also known as the merkaba vehicle of light) – represent the innermost law of the physical world: the inseparable relationship between the two complementary halves – the positive and negative, the manifest and the unmanifest – which form a perfect equilibrium. Depending on your vantage point this arrangement will look different as the photos illustrate.
Date   September 05, 2016
Tags     art  sculpture 
Signs of a greenie

Signs of a greenie

As part of the upcoming elections Melisa organised a sign for us to show off our true colours as the leader road greenies.

Jumps right out at the milk trucks, hanging from our recently erected sign post.
October 28, 2011