Crimson clover
Multipurpose nitrogen fixing legume and beneficial insect plant. Sow late summer for rapid bulky upright growth. It goes dormant in the cold of winter before resuming growth in spring up to 1m high and sporting a striking crimson bloom in early summer. Chop and dig in prior to flowering or leave for a valuable nectar rich food supply for bees and beneficial insects.
Common name
Crimson clover
Botanical name
Trifolium incarnatum
Height (m)
Forest layer
Nitrogen fixer
Propagation method
Sow direct
Shade / Sun
Full sun - part shade
Soil type
Belongs to the following Article
Nitrogen fixing plant species suited to temperate climate such as North Canterbury New Zealand
Nitrogen is an essential element for plant growth. Certain plants have a useful ability to capture nitrogen from the atmosphere. This is often achieved through symbiotic relationship with fungi in the root zone. Being able access unlimited nitrogen allows these plants to grow quickly while also making some available to surrounding plants. The practical reality is that including nitrogen fixing plants of various shapes and sizes amongst other productive plantings improves overall health, vigour and fertility,