Scarification - Preparing hard tree seeds for planting

Many trees have seeds with extremely hard coatings. This allows them to remain viable for a long time, waiting for a trigger such as fire or abrasion due to erosion to activate the growing stage. These seeds require some form of scarification to encourage germination.

This is typical of several leguminous, pod bearing tree species such as tagasaste, locust, laburnum, carob etc.


Pre-treating hard seeds with boiling water

The easiest method that I have found works most if the time is to use hot water, almost boiling, water.

  1. Boil water
  2. Place seeds in a cup or bowl
  3. Pour water over the seeds and leave for 12 hours
  4. After soaking the water may change colour and the seeds should swell to double or 3 times their original size. For any seeds that do not swell, repeat this process
  5. If seeds do not swell up they may require mechanical scarification, see below
  6. Plant swollen seeds in suitable growing medium at least seed diameter deep. Many of these hard seeded weedy trees grow in poor quality soil. Using rich potting mix can cause seeds and young plants to rot. I usually incorporate a fair quantity of sand into potting mix for these species.
  7. Place seeds and young seedling in partial shade and keep soil damp


Mechanical scarification

Sometimes simply soaking seeds in hot water is not enough to crack the seed coating and so physical 'damage' is required.

You can use nail clippers or sand paper to remove a small amount of the seed surface.

Be careful not to remove to much and avoid damage to the soft inner part of the seed.


Scarification - Preparing hard tree seeds for planting

Many trees have seeds with extremely hard coatings. This allows them to remain viable for a long time, waiting for a trigger such as fire or abrasion due to erosion to activate the growing stage. These seeds require some form of scarification to encourage germination.

This is typical of several leguminous, pod bearing tree species such as tagasaste, locust, laburnum, carob etc.

There are several ways to perform the scarification prior to planting the seeds.


Senna Seeds

Senna Seeds

Common name   glandular senna, downy senna, buttercup bush
Botanical name   Senna multiglandulosa
Details   A fast growing evergreen shrub which become treelike. The leaves are each made up of several pairs of thick, hairy, oval-shaped leaflets each measuring up to about 4 centimetres long. The leaves are studded with visible resin glands between the leaflets.
Frost sensitive  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  tender  tree  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Laburnum Seeds

Laburnum Seeds

Common name   Golden chain or golden rain tree
Botanical name   Laburnum anagyroides
Details   Also known as golden rain or golden chain due to yellow pea-flowers in pendulous leafless racemes 10–40 cm long in spring, which makes them popular garden trees. All parts of the plant are poisonous, although mortality is very rare.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     deciduous  flowers  N fixer  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Watch Learn More Only 7 in stock   Order
North Island Kowhai seeds

North Island Kowhai seeds

Common name   Large-leaved kōwhai
Botanical name   Sophora tetraptera
Details   Large yellow flowers from September to November loved by bellbird and tui. Seed requires scarification before sowing. Mechanical scarification works best for this species. Reasonable results can also be achieved with hot water treatment.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  native  yellow 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Hardenbergia vine seeds

Hardenbergia vine seeds

Flowers   Pink / purple
Common name   Coral vine
Botanical name   Hardenbergia
Details   Vigorous evergreen climber native to Australia. Requires a warm, sheltered location. Can grow in dry conditions. Purple or pink and white flowers loved by bees in early spring.
Drought tolerance  
Frost sensitive  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  purple  tender  vine 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Watch Learn More Only 7 in stock   Order
Thornless Honey Locust Seed

Thornless Honey Locust Seed

Botanical name   Gleditsia triacanthos f.inermis
Details   Excellent shade and autumn colour tree. Produces very large pods with sticky sweet pulp, valued for stock fodder. Thrives in the heat and dry.
Drought tolerance  
Jugulone tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     deciduous  N fixer  tree 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds
Tagasaste (tree lucerne) seeds

Tagasaste (tree lucerne) seeds

Botanical name   Chamaecytisus palmensis
Details   Fast growing, drought resistant nitrogen fixer (legume). This small tree has white flowers which are loved by bees, bumblebees and native pigeon. Grown as a nurse or support tree during the establishment of more long term tree plantings. Useful as a quick canopy / umbrella over citrus, avocados etc. or used as physical scaffold for climbers such as grape, kiwifruit etc. Good firewood from mature trees. Pour hot water over the seeds and soak for 24 hours before planting into course sand.
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  N fixer  tender  tree  white 
Price   $1.90  20 seeds
Siberian Pea Shrub seeds

Siberian Pea Shrub seeds

Botanical name   Caragana arborescens
Details   Hardy and versatile, Caragana arborescens is a nitrogen-fixing shrub or small tree, perfect for enhancing soil fertility, creating windbreaks, or adding beauty to your garden with its bright yellow spring flowers.

Thriving in poor soils and harsh climates, it’s drought-tolerant and easy to grow. The seeds are high in protein, making them valuable for livestock or wildlife.

Ideal for forest gardens, erosion control, or as an ornamental addition, this low-maintenance plant is a must-have for sustainable landscapes.

Fresh seed collected from our single mature specimen planted in 2013
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     perennial  shrub  legume 
Price   $5.90  20 seeds
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