Osteospermum Seeds

Osteospermum Seeds
Common name   African daisies, daisybushes
Botanical name   Osteospermum
Details   Easy care plant for dry areas. Does not tolerate hard frost Covered with bright flowers for much of the year, enjoyed by bees.
Drought tolerance  
Frost sensitive  
Tags     flowers  pink 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Out of stock

Osteospermum, commonly known as African daisies or Cape daisies, is a genus of flowering plants that belong to the family Asteraceae. They are native to Southern Africa and are widely cultivated for their colorful and daisy-like flowers. Osteospermum plants offer several uses and qualities that make them popular in gardens and landscapes:

  1. Ornamental Beauty: Osteospermum plants are primarily grown for their stunning and vibrant flowers. The flowers come in a wide range of colours, including purple, pink, white, orange, and various shades of blue, with distinct centres that often have a contrasting colour. Their eye-catching blooms make them valuable additions to flowerbeds, borders, and containers.
  2. Extended Blooming Period: Osteospermum plants are known for their long blooming period, which typically lasts from spring to fall in many regions. This extended flowering time adds colour and beauty to the garden throughout much of the growing season.
  3. Drought Tolerance: Osteospermum plants are relatively drought-tolerant once established. This quality makes them suitable for dry and arid climates, and they require less water compared to many other garden flowers.
  4. Attracts Pollinators: The vibrant flowers of Osteospermum attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies to the garden. This helps support the overall ecosystem and encourages biodiversity.
  5. Low Maintenance: These plants are generally easy to care for, making them ideal for both novice and experienced gardeners. They prefer well-draining soil and thrive in full sun to partial shade conditions.
  6. Versatility: Osteospermum plants can be used in various garden settings, such as in flowerbeds, rock gardens, hanging baskets, and containers. They are versatile and can be combined with other annuals or perennials to create attractive displays.
  7. Cut Flowers: Osteospermum flowers are also suitable for cut flower arrangements due to their attractive appearance and long vase life.
  8. Some Varieties are Perennial: While many Osteospermum cultivars are treated as annuals in colder climates, there are perennial varieties available that can survive winters in milder regions.
  9. Heat Tolerance: Osteospermum plants can withstand hot temperatures and are well-suited to summer gardening.
  10. Erosion Control: In some regions, Osteospermum plants are used for erosion control on slopes and embankments due to their ability to establish well on difficult terrain.

Overall, Osteospermum plants are prized for their striking appearance, low maintenance needs, and adaptability to various environmental conditions, making them a popular choice for gardeners looking to add colour and beauty to their landscapes.