Apricot - Royal Rosa scion / bud wood

Apricot - Royal Rosa scion / bud wood

Apricot - Royal Rosa scion / bud wood

Details   Highly productive, early-ripening variety, typically one of the first apricot varieties to be available in the season.
Low chill requirement.
While not immune, Royal Rosa shows reasonable resistance to common apricot pests and diseases, such as bacterial canker and brown rot, especially when proper horticultural practices are followed.
Self-fertile, although cross-pollination with other apricot varieties can enhance fruit set and quality.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     apricot  fruit  graft  scion 
Harvest     November   December  
Only 2 in stock   Order

 Belongs to the following Plant

Royal Rosa - Apricot

Variety   Royal Rosa
Details   A very early, freestone selection with tasty firm sweet, golden flesh. Bears young and heavy. More disease tolerant than many apricots. An excellent home selection for many areas of NZ. Self fertile.
Colour   Orange

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apricot  fruit  graft  scion