Braeburn - Apple

Braeburn - Apple

Details   This New Zealand apple is now one the world's top commercial selections. It has delicious, crisp, juicy flesh and superb sweet-tart flavour with a noticeably aromatic aftertaste. Excellent keeper. Late season. Requires 700 chilling hours to set fruit. Spur bearing.
Variety   Braeburn
Colour   Red over green


Apple - Braeburn scion / bud wood

Apple - Braeburn scion / bud wood

Details   The Braeburn apple is a popular and well-known variety of apple known for its unique flavour profile and attractive appearance. It is believed to have originated in New Zealand in the early 1950s as a chance seedling. Since then, it has gained popularity and is now grown in various apple-producing regions around the world.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     apple  scion 
Only 6 in stock   Order

 Belongs to the following Plant



Botanical name   Malus domestica
Family   Rosaceae
Diameter   1.00
Fruit / berries  
Shade / Sun   Full sun - part shade