Braeburn Apple

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Braeburn Apple

Braeburn Apple

Details   This New Zealand apple is now one the world’s top commercial selections. It has delicious, crisp, juicy flesh and superb sweet-tart flavour with a noticeably aromatic aftertaste. Excellent keeper. Late season. Requires 700 chilling hours to set fruit. Spur bearing.

Located in a damp spot and surrounded by twitch grass, the ground under tree has proven more difficult to control. Currently there is rhubarb, chives, strawberry and some self sown mustards.... and quite a bit of grass.
Date   September 01, 2002
Height (m)   2
Tags     apple 

 Belongs to the following Plant



Botanical name   Malus domestica
Family   Rosaceae
Diameter   1.00
Fruit / berries  
Shade / Sun   Full sun - part shade

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