
Seed - it is best harvested 'green', when the seed is fully formed but before the seed coat has hardened, and then sown immediately in pots outdoors or in a cold frame. If stored seed is obtained early enough in the autumn, it can be given 4 weeks warm stratification before being left out in the winter and it should then germinate in the spring. Otherwise seed can be very slow to germinate, perhaps taking 18 months or more. When large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and grow them on in a sheltered outdoor position, planting them out once they are 20cm or more tall.

If there is sufficient seed it is best to sow it thinly in an outdoor seedbed[14][15]. Grow the seedlings on for two years in the seedbed before planting them out into their permanent positions during the winter. Layering in spring - takes 18 months[14].

Division of suckers in late winter. The suckers need to have been growing for 2 years before you dig them up, otherwise they will not have formed roots. They can be planted out straight into their permanent positions if required.



Prefers a rich loamy soil in a sunny position or semi-shade[16][6] but thrives in any soil that is not too dry or water-logged[2]. Plants are fairly lime tolerant[6], they also grow well in heavy clay soils.

Hardy to about -20°c according to one report[17], whilst another suggests that this species is hardy to about -50°c[2]. All members of this genus have edible fruits and, whilst this is dry and uninteresting in some species, in many others it is sweet and juicy. Many of the species have potential for use in the garden as edible ornamentals. This species is particularly interesting because it is quite compact and produces an excellent quality quite large fruit[K]. The main draw-back to this genus is that birds adore the fruit and will often completely strip a tree before it is fully ripe[K]. A very variable species, ranging from a thicket-forming shrub to a small tree in the wild[18]. It is occasionally cultivated for its edible fruit, there are several named varieties[8]. A stoloniferous species, spreading by suckers to form a thicket[2].

Hybridizes freely with other members of this genus[6]. Grafting onto seedlings of A. lamarckii or Sorbus aucuparia is sometimes practised in order to avoid the potential problem of hybridizing[16].

June Berry, Western Service Berry, Saskatoon

June Berry, Western Service Berry, Saskatoon

Common name   June Berry, Western Service Berry
Botanical name   Amelanchier alnifolia
Family   Rosaceae
Details   A medium-sized shrub laden in spring with masses of ragged white flowers followed by black berries.
Colour   White Cream
Date   July 01, 2013
Diameter   1.00
Height (m)   4
Flowers   April
Fruit / berries  
Shade / Sun   Part shade


Service berry seeds

Service berry seeds

Common name   June berry, Saskatoon
Botanical name   Amelanchier alnifolia
Details   A versatile deciduous shrub or small tree native to temperate regions. It is admired for its delicate white spring blossoms, edible sweet berries in summer, and vibrant autumn foliage. Thriving in well-drained soils and partial to full sun, it is drought-tolerant once established.

Serviceberries attract pollinators, birds, and wildlife, making them a favourite for ornamental and ecological landscaping. Easy to grow and hardy, the Amelanchier is both beautiful and beneficial for gardens and natural areas.

Produces flowers and edible fruit after 5 - 6 years. Slow to germinate as seed requires sold stratification. Read more about propagation and cultivation in the product details.
Fruit / berries  
Propagate     February   March   April   May  
Tags     berries  perennial 
Price   $4.90  20 seeds
Watch Learn More Only 6 in stock   Order