Raised garden and new entrance

The original plan was conceived in my head and only made it as far as a few scratching on paper before construction commenced. In hindsight, more planning was probably required. However, I am happy, for the most part, with how it is turning out.

Design time

Google Sketchup Modal Drawing of entrance
Google Sketchup modal Simple hand drawing


The overall idea is to further develop the space in front of the house to make it more livable. This means making it cooler and less bright during the high summer days and improving the shelter from wind and rain so the transition from inside (warm and dry) to outside is less abrupt. Ideally this will result in a space outside the house for boots and coats.

The raised garden and brick is an attempt to bring some of the more frequently used crops closer to the kitchen (herbs and salad ingredients) as well as benefiting from the warmth and shelter provided by the house. Being more accessible will improve the chances of us bothering to cover the sensitive plants on frosty nights without having to trek to far out into the cold and dark.


Wall foundation seen from above
Early stages in construction as seen from above.

Construction of brickwork
Complete! The brickwork is done

May 2010 - Finally the roof is on

Eventually, as part of the bigger strategy, I intend to use the columns and beams enclosing the deck area to support some kind of solar water heating setup. This should work well since our hot water cylinder is situated in the roof cavity.

 2 pictures - click to enlarge

Raised garden and new entrance

Raised garden and new entrance

Recently we embarked on a construction project to improve the front side of the house with raised gardens for herbs and frost tender plants as well as create a new entrance way.
Eventually this will be extended to support a solar water heating set up and more sheltered entrance.
May 04, 2010