Sweet Chestnut Seedling Tree

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Sweet Chestnut Seedling Tree

Sweet Chestnut Seedling Tree

Details   Grown from locally sourced seed.

For best pollination more than one tree are required.
Height (m)   0.25
Flowers   White
Price 1 - 50   $12.00  each
Only 9 in stock   Order

 Belongs to the following Plant

Sweet Chestnut

Sweet Chestnut

Variety   Hybrid
Botanical name   Castanea Sativa/Crenata
Family   Fagaceae
Details   Chestnuts are very hardy deciduous trees of great beauty, highly productive and require little maintenance. Chestnuts should only be planted in free draining soils as they do not like wet feet. They thrive in warm sheltered sunny spots, in organically rich, moisture retentive but good draining soils. Chestnut 1005 has medium to large nuts of great quality and flavour (very sweet). It crops heavily and early in the season and is self fertile. Growth habit is compact, bushy (for a Chestnut).
Height (m)   6 - 10m
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Shade / Sun   Full sun
Common name   Sweet Chestnut