Perennial multiplying leeks

Perennial multiplying leeks

Perennial multiplying leeks

Common name   Perennial leeks, Multiplier leeks, Perpetual leeks
Details   This is one of my favourite vegetables to grow as it is easy care, quick to multiply and can be used raw or cooked in many meals. If you want a perennial spring onion / leek then this is the one to grow and is productive for much of the year

Forming clumps over time, this onion / allium can be harvested and divided at any time, sitting ready and waiting in even poor, weedy soil. Rapidly bulk up your patch by dividing regularly and not eating too many at the beginning.
Soil type   Most
Tags     vegetable  perennial 


Perennial multiplying leek plants

Perennial multiplying leek plants

Common name   Perennial leeks, Multiplier leeks, Perpetual leeks
Details   Easy to grow leek or spring onion substitute that will, once well established and managed, supply a constant supply of fresh leeks. Plants develop new baby leeks around the base. Just pull out the largest, central leek to eat and leave the rest to develop or replant space out the young ones if required.
Tags     vegetable  perennial 
Price   $9.90  20 baby leeks
Watch Only 8 in stock   Add to Order

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